Candle making paraffin is a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons with a high number of carbon atoms. Paraffin, which is present in crude oil, is liquid and turns into a solid form as a result of distillation at high temperature. Paraffin has many uses in the industry due to its neutral properties, and it is used as one of the most widely used raw materials in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, rubber industries, fabric preparation, etc.
The main ingredient of candle making is paraffin. Paraffin can be described as a petroleum substance that can be found in the market in two forms, liquid or solid.
Liquid paraffin is a white and transparent liquid, while solid paraffin has a jelly state and is sometimes known as paraffin wax. In fact, whenever we talk about paraffin wax, the main meaning is solid paraffin.
The amount of purity of paraffins is one of their main characteristics, which is of interest in various industries, for example, paraffin waxes used in making candles should be white and stable against color change.
Gel and solid types of paraffin are used more than anything else to produce candles.
Paraffin has different degrees of melting point. Candle making paraffin needed to make molded candles should have a melting point of 60 to 63 degrees Celsius.
When buying paraffin, it should also be noted that three types of paraffin are used to produce candles:
Molded paraffin (acidic): mostly used to make molded candles.
Crystalline paraffin (acid-free): It is used to make handmade candles and candle-making paraffin because of its flexibility.
Glass or medical paraffin: It is used to produce candles that are made inside glasses and containers. This type of paraffin is for the production of candles that contain decorative items and has a greasy state and is not at all like other paraffins, but slippery and loose.