روغن گیری به روش عرق کردن
Oil extraction by distillation (Part 2)
July 30, 2022
نحوه تولید پارافین
Manner of producing solid paraffin
August 13, 2022
پارافین وکس- آرش مهیا

paraffin wax

Paraffin wax is a very useful product for treating all kinds of pain, which is used in beauty salons for beauty and rejuvenation of skin. It is also used in making color pencils and candles. Therapeutic use of this product has special instructions and solutions. This product has many usage in beauty salons and spas.

What is paraffin wax?

Paraffin wax is a soft, solid, white or colorless wax. Paraffin wax is made of saturated hydrocarbons. Paraffin Wax is mostly used in beauty salons for softening the skin and in spas (hot water treatment salons) for hands, foot and cuticle treatment. This treatment material is used because it is colorless, tasteless and odorless. Paraffin Wax can be used for relieving joint and muscle pains too.

The benefits of Paraffin Wax for skin protection & beautification

Paraffin Wax has many usage in beautification and treatment. Paraffin Wax is often suitable for using for hands and feet in beautification. This material is an effective softener material which helps for softening the skin. When it applied to the skin, it increases the moisture and after the end of the term of use, keeps the moisture of the skin properly for a long time. This treatment product also helps to open pores and remove dead skin cells. This will make the skin look fresher and smoother.

The chemical structure of this therapeutic product is unique. Whereas the paraffin wax is made of the molecules with 20 to 40 hydrocarbons in length, it does not enter the pores of the skin. Therefore, it acts as an insulator of skin and protects the skin from damage caused by cracking and cold.

Paraffin wax is usually used by people who have dry or cracked skin, and also people who are looking for softening their skin calluses. Of course, it doesnt matter if it is the skin of the hands or feet. Paraffin wax can soften any hard and wrinkled skin. Some beauty salons use this effective softener product for opening pores and removing dead skin of hands and feet in pedicure and manicure. After removing the paraffin from skin, the skin becomes younger and becomes silky and smooth. This therapeutic product has been very successful in protecting and moisturizing and also rejuvenating the skin.

The therapeutic benefits of paraffin wax and other applications

Paraffin Wax relieves pain in diseases related to the skin, joints and muscles. So everyone believes that this product has many therapeutics benefits. This product is used to relieve pain (especially hands) in people who suffers from the following diseases:

  • Arthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Other joint problems

Paraffin Wax acts as a heat therapist and can help increase blood flow, muscles relaxation and


decrease joint stiffness. This therapeutic product can minimize muscle spasms and inflammation and eliminate sprains too.

Paraffin therapy decreases pain and sensitivity. It is true that the Paraffin Wax relaxes the muscles, but it does not reduce the strength of the muscles. It is also useful for patients who suffers from osteoarthritis of hands. This product can be used as a short-term and useful therapeutic option.

Paraffin Wax has many other applications too. Because of its waxy texture, low melting point and ability to use as an intermediary for fragrance, Paraffin Wax is used in making candles and crayons too. This product is also used in lubrication, making electrical insulation and other applications. However, there are some worrying researches that led to controversy in using the paraffin wax.

Various Therapeutic Properties

The people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, can use Paraffin Wax. Researches has shown that using Paraffin Wax on the hands of people who suffer from non-acute rheumatoid arthritis, can be helpful. This therapeutic product can improve the function of the hands before exercising and helps relieve pain and muscle relaxation.

Paraffin Wax relieves the pain relating to the fibromyalgia too. This disorder causes widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness throughout the body. The researchers understood that surface heat (such as using Paraffin Wax) led to a temporary reduction in pain in patients who suffers from fibromyalgia in a paper published in 2009. In another paper published in 2013, the Pakistani researchers studied the effectiveness of Paraffin Wax as a treatment for hand stiffness after hit. They found out that the combination of this product and the techniques of the movement of joints was more effective than mobilization techniques in physiotherapy.

paraffin wax

General Opinion

Paraffin Wax is completely safe and useful for the skin and body. Whereas the Paraffin Wax does not need to be heated to a high temperature for melting, you can apply it on your skin without any worrying about the burns risk. This product may be slightly harmful for people with sensitive skin and it can cause skin rashes. In addition, Paraffin Wax, should be used on parts of skin without any wounds or cuts. Treatment with Paraffin Wax is also a good choice for fighting the pain caused by serious and debilitating diseases. This useful product can both relieve pain and relax you.

All of us know that heat relaxes muscles. So people who suffer from movement problems (muscle stiffness) will find more range of movement by using Paraffin Wax. If you feel swelling due to fluid buildup in parts of your foot or hand, Paraffin Wax can reduce this swelling. You may need more than one layer of paraffin depending on the severity of your pain. Sometimes it is necessary and normal to use several layers of paraffin for penetrating the heat into the muscles and create a feeling of comfort.

Manner of using Paraffin Wax for treatment

Spa therapists melt the Paraffin Wax parts in a boiler. You should wash and dry your hands and feet at the same time. These therapists measure the proper temperature of Paraffin Wax to make sure that


it does not cause you any damage. When the solution prepared, they immerse your hands or feet in warm and melted paraffin. They keep from your fingers to your wrists, in water and solution for a few moments. The paraffin solution tightens on your hands and feet and forms a thin layer. Then they immerse your hands and feet in paraffin several times to create several layers. Then the coated part is wrapped in a cloth or plastic liner. This area is covered with gloves, slippers or blanket and soaked in a wax layer for at least 20 minutes. You should wait while your hands and feet are soaked and dry. The treatment solution, flakes on your skin. After cleaning your hands and feet, you will notice that your skin is hydrated, smooth and soft.

You can do it at home with the home Paraffin Wax kit, which is available in cosmetics stores. But you should notice the risk of allergy. The people who suffer from dermatitis, burns, rashes and skin rashes, open wounds and any skin diseases, should avoid treatment with Paraffin Wax. However, you can do the treatment in a spa or beauty salon for a better experience.

Manner of using at home

We recommend you to do Paraffin Wax treatment in beauty salons or spas. However, you can do it at home too. The important thing is to follow the steps correctly to get the most of the treatment.

You need the following accessories for Paraffin Wax treatment:

1.5 Kg. Food Grade Paraffin Wax (Food Industry Standard)

Double boiler

Module for measurement

Mineral Oil

Oily plastic container


Olive Oil

Sealable plastic bag

Towels or gloves


Tissue paper


You can also purchase portable Paraffin Wax devices and tools for home treatment. These devices help you to reduce the number of accessories you need and many of them are supplied with this product. If you use these devices, read the instructions provided with the device in advance.

Step 1: Melting and applying Paraffin Wax

Using a double boiler is the easiest way for melting the Paraffin Wax. If you have nail polish, clean it before starting the paraffin treatment. Wash your hands and dry them with a lint-free towel.

For melting:

Pour 1.5 Kg. of the product on the double boiler. Add water to the bottom of the boiler and put it on a low heat.


Add a cup of oil to the paraffin

When the product is completely dissolved in water, take the boiler from the oven. Then pour the solution into an oily plastic container carefully.

Wait until a thin crust, form on the solution

Check the temperature of the solution with a thermometer. When it reaches 50 degrees, it is ready to use.

When Paraffin Wax is prepared, apply it gently on your hands and feet, to do this:

Massage the skin of the part you want to apply paraffin with olive oil

Apply Paraffin Wax on all your hands and feet and leave it for a few seconds to form a thin layer.

Wait till your hands or feet get dry. When the solution disappears on the skin, you will notice that it dries. Then, put your hand or foot in the solution again and keep it a little less than before. It prevents from entering the hot materials into the previous layers and also prevents from burning.

Repeat this step till you have at least 10 layers of paraffin on your hands or feet

Step 2: Covering and removing the materials

When you applied at least 10 layers of Paraffin Wax to your hands or feet, cover it with a large plastic bag. Then place your hands and feet in a glove (preferably thick oven glove) and wrap in a towel for 15 to 20 minutes. The average time for keeping Paraffin Wax on the skin is about the said time.

Get your hand out of the gloves or towels and plastic bags. Use a soft cloth to remove any Paraffin Wax. Apply moisturizer all over your hands. When you completed your treatment, cover the Paraffin Wax inside the boiler and keep it in a safe place for the next treatment.

Does paraffin wax have any side effects?

Paraffin Wax is tested in hygienic laboratories to ensure that its use will not cause any problems on the body. Paraffin Wax has a low melting point. So it can be easily applied on the skin at not too high temperature. However, if you have a sensitive skin, Paraffin Wax may cause heat rash. If you have the following problems use paraffin for treatment:

1. Poor blood circulation problem

2. Numbness of the hands and feet

3. Diabetes

4. Any rash or wound

If you also have chemical allergies, you may suffer from skin inflammation or small rashes due to paraffin treatment. And if you treat with Paraffin Wax at home, be careful not to heat the solution too much, because it may catch fire.

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