پارافین نرمال
July 30, 2022

What is Paraffin?

Paraffin wax is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and a hydrocarbon compound derived from petroleum products. Contrary to the popular idea that limits the application of paraffin wax only to the candle industry, this useful compound has many applications in different industries. In general, Iran paraffin wax is divided into two categories: solid paraffin wax and liquid paraffin. Solid paraffin wax is used in candle and candle making industries and liquid paraffin for industrial applications. In other classification, Iran paraffin is divided into three categories: Edible, industrial and cosmetic paraffin. Edible paraffin is mainly used in livestock to solve digestive problems of livestock and in some cases in some foods related to human.

Solid and liquid paraffin have an important and undeniable role in different industries such as textile, rubber manufacturing, insulation, adhesive, health and cosmetics, packing, candle making as well as lubricants.

It must be noted that the use of paraffin is different in each of the mentioned industries. For example, paraffin wax is used to prevent from cracking of the rubber in rubber manufacturing and it is used to insulate against moisture and dust in insulation.

Where can we buy paraffin?

Iran is one of the major sources for paraffin wax. Iran paraffin wax is mainly heavy but light grades can also be provided in limited quantities. As the feedstock of paraffin wax is Slack wax which is extracted in motor oil processing system, Iran can be one the best sources for supplying wax products considering vast oil sources of the country. Considering the supply of high grade slack wax, which is the raw material of paraffin, by large petrochemical companies of the country, many factories in the country are producing this industrial material with different methods, and in accordance with the conditions of the market, direct contact with these factories for purchasing solid paraffin, slack wax and liquid paraffin is the best and the most economical way for paraffin buyers.

The quality of paraffin in each industry, is determined by the use of paraffin in it. For example, in the candle making industry, paraffin with lower percentage of oil is more qualified but it is the opposite in the lubrication industry.


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